The Christian Post ‘blacklisted’ by Google, whistleblower reveals

The Christian Post ‘blacklisted’ by Google, whistleblower reveals By Leah MarieAnn Klett, for The Christian Post

A former Google employee has gone public with claims of election manipulation, intimidation, and political bias at the hands of the tech giant, including the “blacklisting” of certain websites, including The Christian Post.

On Wednesday, investigative journalism group Project Veritas released an interview in which whistleblower Zachary Vorhies reveals he delivered roughly 950 pages of documents to the Department of Justice’s Antitrust division demonstrating that Google manipulated its algorithms in a way that biased its search engine against conservative media, Christian media and nonprofit groups, and Republicans.

A Google employee for eight years, Vorhies — who refers to his situation as “David and Google,” a reference to the Old Testament story of David and Goliath —  said he decided to come forward after realizing something “dark and nefarious” was going on with the company.

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“I saw that they were making really quick moves … that they were intending to sculpt the information landscape so that they could create their own version of what was objectively true,” he said. “I realized that they were going to not only tamper with the elections, but use that tampering with the elections to essentially overthrow the United States.”

The documents released by Vorhies included a “news blacklist site for Google Now” which he explained is a blacklist that restricts certain websites from appearing on news feeds for some Android Google products.

The list includes a number of websites, including The Christian Post, Newsbusters, Life News, Patheos, and Glenn Beck among hundreds of others. According to the document, some sites are listed because of a “high user block rate.”

“These documents were available to every single employee within the company that was full time,” Vorhies said. “And so as a full-time employee at the company, I just searched for some keywords and these documents started to pop up. And so once I started finding one document and started finding keywords for other documents, and I would enter that in and continue this cycle until I had a treasure trove and archive of documents that clearly spelled out the system, what they’re attempting to do in very clear language.”

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